Sera Jey Buddhist Cultural Centre

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Home SJMU Coming Event 3

Maha Guru Bhumtsok prayer

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Guru Bhumtsok_SmallSera Jey Buddhist Culture Center in New York is pleased to announce Maha Guru Bhumtsok prayer service which will be held on from August 14th - 18th, 2013 in Queens, New York. Everyone is welcome. Thank you very much. Geshe Lobsang

 We are pleased to announce that Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center in New Yorks has organized Maha Guru Bhumtsok which will be held from August 14th to 18th , 2013. This special Guru Bhumtsok will lead by Kyabje Pare Rinpoche which is dedicated to the long life of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, long life of lineage holders of all the school of Tibetan Buddhism, our brothers and sisters who sacrificed their lives in Tibet and peace in the world. We welcome everyone to join this very special prayer services at the below given address. Thanks you very much.

Venue: 41-20 Queens Blvd ( Corner of 42nd Street & Queens Blvd ) Sunnyside, NY 11104

(Subway #7 Stop 40th Street / Bus # 32 & 60 Next To Dunkin Donuts)

  1. August 14,15,16 @ 1:30 PM to 8:30 PM
  2. August 17th @ 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  3. August 18th @ 1:30 PM to 8:30 PM

For Further Information: Please Contact (917) 605-7109, (347) 601-1726

Organized by Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center



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Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future, concentrate your mind on the present moment.
By Buddha

Contact Us

Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center
41-30 57th Street
Woodside, NY 11377, USA.
Phone: 718-606-2870, 347-601-1726,